I am Maria!
"I look in the mirror and what do I see?
A woman, a girl, waiting to go free..."
Produced, written and directed by Marina Poša
Photo credit Jane Long
My Path and My Work
This is a tricky career to be a part of, but I love every minute of it. Nothing compares to the magical thrill of going on stage and and telling a story that comes from my heart straight to an audience. I have been singing all my life, seeking perfection and truth in my singing and as an artist. In 2017 I wrote my first show El Vito! hoping to inspire people to follow their dreams by telling my story and introducing the public to a new way of enjoying Classical Art Song. Then 2020 Covid hit. Everyone and everything was at a stand still and that's when I looked deep into myself starting to write I am Maria! My one goal in all of this is to inspire others to follow their passions and awaken that fire within you. I am Maria! A story, a tribute to my female Croatian ancestry. The women who told their stories to their children, communicating their truths, their songs making us into who we are. Maria takes the pathway to emancipation from her traditional cultural past. She casts off feelings and emotions she had unknowingly taken on from her female ancestors carrying them with her throughout her life. I am Maria, is personal, transformative and moving. It's time for us all to sing out "I am Maria!"
I am Maria!